K12 Timed Reading Practice lets readers in levels K-4 practice fluency by reading short, timed stories. Improving fluency allows readers to read smoothly and quickly so they can focus on comprehension rather than on decoding words.
• More than 250 short, engaging stories for young readers
• A variety of fiction and non-fiction
• 46 Flesch-Kincaid reading levels between 0.0 and 4.7
Reading Tools
• Track one reader, multiple readers, or even a whole class
• Track stories read, words per minute, percent above or below average reading rates, and whats next on the reading list
• View recommendations for moving up or down in reading difficulty based on recorded Words per Minute scores
K12 Timed Reading Practice was created by K12 Inc. as part of its comprehensive Language Arts and Phonics curriculum. Learn more at http://www.k12.com/what-is-k12/.
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